Järkviss­le Film och Media

The com­pa­ny

Busi­ness operations

Pro­duc­tion of histo­ri­cal docu­men­ta­ri­es
Publishing of histo­ri­cal mate­ri­al
Infor­ma­tion regar­ding cir­cumstan­ces during the old days in espe­ci­al­ly Medel­pad
Lectu­res and courses

Arne Johans­son 2020.

Arne Johans­son on film assign­ment in Guang­z­hou (Can­ton), Chi­na on Tues­day the 18th of July 2006. Pho­to: Ingrid Johans­son, Gothenburg.

Com­pa­ny owner

Arne Johans­son

Bri­ef Presentation

The com­pa­ny – Järkviss­le Film & Media – Foun­ded 2003 by Arne Johansson.

Arne Johans­son was born 1945 in Gäv­le, Gäst­rikland and rai­sed in Stock­holm. After fre­quent visits, dating back to 1954, the vil­lage Järkviss­le in Medel­pad beca­me his per­ma­nent resi­dence in 2001. The peop­le and natu­re along with its sce­ne­ry con­sti­tu­ted the unques­tio­nab­le for­ce of motivation.

Arne holds two aca­de­mic degre­es, one in land sur­vey­ing from the Royal Insti­tu­te of Tech­no­lo­gy and the other in eco­no­mics from Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty. He has pre­viously worked with urban plan­ning in Stock­holm and held the posi­tion as CEO for Post­fas­tig­he­ter AB.

He has sin­ce the reloca­tion to Järkviss­le, par­ti­ci­pa­ted in seve­ral pro­duc­tions of books con­nec­ted to Medel­pad. Arne has con­ti­nu­ously con­tri­bu­ted most notably with histo­ri­cal articles for the local pub­li­ca­tion Lidens Tid­ning (Liden­tid­ning­en as of 2015) sin­ce 1999. In total clo­se to 40 short local histo­ry docu­men­ta­ri­es have been pro­du­ced. A lar­ge num­ber of recor­ded inter­vi­ews with local resi­dents have been con­duc­ted. Furt­her­mo­re, one gen­re of pro­duc­tion is pub­li­ca­tion of CD’s fea­tu­ring talent such as the artist Rolf Lid­berg and his 50 years’ worth of taped Scan­di­na­vi­an bal­lads and Swe­dish folk music in church spi­rit. The overs­ha­dowing inte­rest, however, has sin­ce the 1950s always been photography.

A samp­le of pro­duc­tion is pre­sen­ted on this web­si­te cate­go­ri­sed accor­ding to theme.

Con­tact information:

Arne Johans­son
Järkviss­le 210
SE – 855 99 Liden

Email: arne.jarkvissle@telia.com

First published onli­ne Tues­day 24th of June 2003.

Erik Lidin            Yiyi Altin 

Trans­la­tion by Yiyi Oli­via Altin, Stockholm

2020- Erik Lidin, Liden
2003–2008 TL Inter­net con­sul­tant Tore Löfve­ni­us, Liden

Upda­ted the 17 of Feb­ru­a­ry 2025.